Integrated policy declaration
To define the policy and commitment that TORRES GUMÀ S.L. has implemented in terms of quality and environmental matters.
All levels of the organization within all plants of TORRES GUMÀ S.L. These plants include the headquarters located in Esparraguera (Barcelona) and the production extension in Legutio (Álava).
The headquarters in Esparraguera and the production extension in the Basque Country are engaged in the business activity of surface treatment of metal parts.
In order to promote and continuously improve working conditions, product and process quality, customer satisfaction, and ensure respect for the environment in sustainable development, Management declares the following basic principles of its policy:
- Achieving full customer satisfaction, committing to society, the environment, and the health of our employees, complying with the legal and regulatory framework established in each case.
- Recognizing the need for improvement in our Integrated Management System regarding the quality of our products and services, our processes, our working conditions, and the environmental impact of our operations.
- People are the most valuable asset that ensures our future; therefore, they will be qualified and aligned with the objectives of our organization, and their opinions will be considered.
- Implementation of this policy by communicating it to all company personnel and those working on its behalf, to contractors working in our facilities, and making this policy available to the public.
- Establishment and review of objectives and goals through the annual review process carried out by Management.
To carry out these principles, Management commits to:
- Reducing the consumption of materials, products, and energy, and using materials with a lower negative impact on the environment in our products, ensuring product compliance with contractual requirements.
- Implementing selective waste collection and improving the management of waste generated as a result of our activity.
- Establishing channels for information exchange and cooperation among employees, as well as with customers and suppliers, to enhance the quality of our products and services, workplace safety and health, and environmental protection.
- Ensuring that both Management and all personnel are fully familiar with the Policy, objectives, and Integrated Management System through dissemination and training at all levels.
- In the absence of legislation covering a particular risk or harm, internal rules and practices will be established to adequately protect workplace safety and health and the environment.
- Analyzing all incidents with the potential for harm and initiating immediate correction to prevent harm to people's health and the environment.
- Establishing measurable management objectives to ensure and demonstrate system improvement and regularly reviewing the adequacy of the Policy in relation to objectives.
After approval of the Comprehensive Policy by the Management of TORRES GUMÀ S.L., it will be communicated to all individuals working for the organization or on its behalf and will be made available to the public.
It will be disseminated to all organization members through the Integrated Manual, Welcome Manual, informational posters, or other supplementary means, ensuring that its content is implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization.
Define, review, and approve |
The direction |
The Management Integrated Policy of TORRES GUMÀ S.L. |
Disseminate and ensure its application at all levels |
The direction
Department managers |
Maintain Environmental Policy |
Responsible for the environment |
Maintain the Quality Policy |
Policy Quality |
Know it, understand it and apply it |
All the staff |
Responsible Understand, apply, and communicate it to external companies or other external agents Personnel |
Responsible for Procurement |
The Integrated Management System complies with the requirements of the
UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015, and IATF 16949:2016 standards.